Alumni Conversation at Eastman
Join us as we feature ECE Alum Chris Frazee, Plant Engineer at Eastman Chemical. Chris will share insights about his exciting career path and will reflect on lessons learned from being at NC State and how it impacted his career.
Chris Frazee
Eastman Chemical on October 9, 2020 at 12:00 PM in Zoom Webinar
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Originally from Durham, NC, Chris Frazee graduated from NC State in 2015 with a B.S in Electrical Engineering. While a student, Chris took advantage of a Co-Op opportunity with Crenshaw Consulting Engineers and had an internship with PotashCorp Aurora. After Graduation, Chris was hired by Eastman Chemical as a Plant Engineer supporting their specialty plastics and film esters division. Eastman has given Chris many opportunities such as traveling to Kuantan, Malaysia to support building a new plant, leading the Electrical Design Community at Eastman, and working with the Eastman Professional Development Community to plan and coordinate speakers and networking events.
Meet our fantastic ECE alumni and learn about their exciting career paths from their days in ECE throughout their professional lives. Find out what opportunities and challenges they met through their NC State experience and ensuring career journeys.