Quantum Diamond Sensors — Best of Both Worlds

The nitrogen–vacancy (NV) quantum defect in diamond is a leading modality for magnetic, electrical, temperature, and pressure sensing with high spatial resolution and wide field-of-view, operating under both ambient and extreme conditions. This quantum sensing technology has diverse applications across the physical and life sciences — from probing magnetic materials and electronic systems to biomedical diagnostics. I will provide an overview of quantum diamond sensors and their many applications.

Ronald Walsworth

University of Maryland on September 6, 2024 at 10:15 AM in EB2 1231

Prof. Ronald Walsworth is the Director of the Quantum Technology Center and a Minta Martin Professor of Physics and of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Maryland. He leads an interdisciplinary research group with a focus on developing quantum sensing tools and applying them to problems in both the physical and life sciences. He has co-founded several technology companies, including Hyperfine, which produces portable, low-field MRI machines; and Quantum Catalyzer.

Electrical and Computer Engineering Colloquia

This lecture series features exciting and dynamic visiting and virtual speakers from across the range of ECE disciplines. Take some time every Friday morning to be inspired by these great scientists and engineers before heading into the weekend!