Campus to Get New ID Cards

[ubermenu config_id=”main” menu=”84″] NEWSROOM Campus to Get New ID CardsDec 9, 2003 There are major changes in the works for the AllCampus Network. On January 7, 2004 the AllCampus Network will implement several important changes, including new AllCam …

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Campus to Get New ID Cards

Dec 9, 2003

There are major changes in the works for the AllCampus Network. On January 7, 2004 the AllCampus Network will implement several important changes, including new AllCampus Cards and a new software system that will allow new features.

To improve the security of personal data, the AllCampus Network system will no longer use the Social Security Number as the identifying number or issue AllCampus Cards that contain that number in any form. In addition, a new agreement with Wachovia will allow you, if you choose, to use your NCSU AllCampus Card as an ATM card, linked to your Wachovia accounts.

NCSU and the All-Campus Network Office will issue new AllCampus ID cards to all faculty and staff, students, visitors, gym users, affiliates, contractors and others who require on-campus identification beginning Dec. 11.
  The newly designed AllCampus ID Cards will replace current ID cards on Wednesday, Jan. 7, 2004.

At the start of business on that day, old ID cards will no longer work. The ID cards currently in use will not be recognized by the new system, so a new AllCampus ID Card is mandatory for everyone. You may continue to use money for the library copier program at DH Hill Library stored on the “skinny” stripe of the old ID card until depleted.

For more information about the new AllCampus ID Card, visit the AllCampus Network Web site located at, which includes a “frequently asked questions” section. See also  For more information about the partnership with Wachovia and how the card works as an ATM card, visit

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