IEEE Sponsors Skills Workshop
[ubermenu config_id=”main” menu=”84″] NEWSROOM IEEE Sponsors Skills WorkshopSep 10, 2004 The NC State Univeristy IEEE Student Branch is co-hosting a resume and interview skills workshop with Framatome-ANP on Tuesday September 14th from 6:30 – 8:00 pm i …
September 10, 2004 NC State ECE
IEEE Sponsors Skills Workshop

The NC State Univeristy IEEE Student Branch is co-hosting a resume and interview skills workshop with Framatome-ANP on Tuesday September 14th from 6:30 – 8:00 pm in Dabney 222. To participate, students should bring a copy of their current resume. Representatives and interviewers from Framatome-ANP will provide students one-on-one advice on improving the quality of their resume and making a good first impression at an interview. Refreshments will be provided.
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