Web Sites for Engineering Student Organizations
[ubermenu config_id=”main” menu=”84″] NEWSROOM Web Sites for Engineering Student OrganizationsOct 20, 2005 The College of Engineering offers its student organizations secure and flexible web sites with short URLs, ample quota for content, a web tool fo …
October 20, 2005 NC State ECE
Web Sites for Engineering Student Organizations
The College of Engineering offers its student organizations secure and flexible web sites with short URLs, ample quota for content, a web tool for managing permissions on the space, web statistics, and support for WRAP-based authentication and PHP (some restrictions enforced).
Engineering student organizations have their own vhost, http://students.engr.ncsu.edu, and are organized under it as http://students.engr.ncsu.edu/organization. The location of the organization’s web locker in the campus AFS file system is:
The college encourages student organizations to organize under this vhost for better student collaboration and information-sharing across the college. The Engineers’ Council, http://students.engr.ncsu.edu/e-council, manages the site.
The request for a student organization web locker and URL must be made by the college web coordinator, Ellen McDaniel. Contact her at eoshelp@ncsu.edu. Please provide the name of the organization, its faculty sponsor, and the Unity IDs of those students who need access to the locker.
More information on web sites and tools for engineering student organizations is available at:
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