COE Innovators Forum Events
[ubermenu config_id=”main” menu=”84″] NEWSROOM COE Innovators Forum EventsFeb 6, 2006 Monday, January 30, 2006Time: 5:30-7:00Place: Rm. 136, Larry K. Monteith Research Center (MRC)NC State University Centennial Campus2410 Campus Shore DriveRaleigh, NC …
February 6, 2006 NC State ECE
COE Innovators Forum Events

Monday, January 30, 2006
Time: 5:30-7:00
Place: Rm. 136, Larry K. Monteith Research Center (MRC)
NC State University Centennial Campus
2410 Campus Shore Drive
Raleigh, NC 27606
Introduction: Stephen Irwin
What are the key components to building a successful information security industry in RTP? Can we re-create the Silicon Valley?
There is frequent chatter around RTP regarding why the area has not duplicated the success of Silicon Valley in business and job creation. The information security industry is a good example of how the security market has mushroomed from around 5 companies nationally in 1988, to 800+ today. The RTP area has probably added one or two more info security firms headquartered here today, than it had in 1990. Mr. Irwin will share his perspective from his experience of working in both RTP and Silicon Valley in network security for over a decade and as an information security executive recruiter who works with major companies in the industry and deals with these market driving forces daily, throughout the country.
Entrepreneur Presentations:
AP Solutions, Inc.
Peter Yancey, President
Founded in 2005, AP Solutions Inc. develops and manufactures custom designed atmospheric plasma power supplies and applicators for a wide variety of applications. Applications include: surface energy enhancement to improve bonding and adhesion strength between dissimilar materials, treatment of surfaces to produce anti-stick or anti-fouling surfaces, selective surface etching of polymeric and inorganic substrates, chemical effluent abatement systems, biological sterilization systems, and atmospheric plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition systems and processes. The development of atmospheric plasma technology for the processing of materials has been strongly driven by defense manufacturing and DoD maintenance applications.
In August 2005 AP Solutions was awarded a Phase I STTR with the Air Force to develop technology to grow Thermal Barrier Coatings on turbine blades using an atmospheric plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition process. Is this a formula for success?
Appealing Products Inc.
Dr. A.J. Attar
Appealing Products Inc. (API), is a NC Company engaged in research and development of new products. API specializes in developing disposable diagnostic products which allow layman to obtain rapid, on-site accurate answers to critical diagnostic questions. See: The types of devices that API has been concentrating on developing are detectors for poisons in food, detectors and dosimeters for toxic gases, detectors for sterilizers and disinfectants for hospitals and dental offices, detectors for end-of-service-life for filters of gas masks, dosimeters for humidity for packaging, etc. Although the areas of use of these devices vary greatly, all these devices involve similar base technology. The quantity diagnosed causes a color change due to chemical reactions in a thin polymeric films and similar media. The visible color change is easily recognizable and thus allows a successful diagnostic even if the user is relatively untrained. These devices offer the user a low-cost alternative to expensive diagnostic devices and large initial capital investment. The technology for manufacturing all the devices is reasonably similar, which greatly reduces the cost of manufacturing, even if only small batches are produced. Three additional lines of products evolved from our experience with thin films:
A)Thin polymeric films which appear to reduce the buildup and stickiness of ice on wings of aircraft
B)Thin films for destroying toxic materials and their application to protective clothing
C)Portable, disposable sterilization chambers.
In 2005, API applied for two US Patents and three more are in preparation. The research work at API was funded initially with a small amount of private funds but the vast majority of its funds are from the US Department of Defense and related agencies. Some funds were also obtained from companies interested in aviation safety. API is now poised to launch the production and marketing of several disposable diagnostic products. The first clients are the US DOS, The First Responders, and the FDA. In addition, negotiations have begun with three companies, one of them a Fortune 100 company, in relation to licensing some of API’s technology.
NC Photonics Initiative Forum
Wednesday, February 9, 2006
Place: McKimmon Center on the North Carolina Campus
This industry/university forum on photonics science and technology issues in the Carolina’s region. Guests include State and federal legislators, venture capitalists, local industrialists, and research institutes.
Discussions topics include photonics in general and its importance for the economic development of the States of North and South Carolina.
Main Speaker: Dr. Robert Breault
Introduction by: Dr. Bob MacMahan (Science Advisor to Governor Mike Easley)
Luncheon Speaker: Dr. Michael Lebby (Executive Director-Optoelectronics Industrial Development Association (OIDA))
* Research Center Posters
* Student Participations
* Local Industries
* Entrepeneurs
Registration fee: $50
For more information,see
Dr. Bob Breault is one of the more successful entrepreneurs and would like also to meet students that are interested in business or attending business school. He has also set up business in 28 countries. More information on Bob.
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