ECE Undergraduate Advisor Townsend Awarded

[ubermenu config_id=โ€mainโ€ menu=โ€84โ€ณ] NEWSROOM ECE Undergraduate Advisor Townsend AwardedMay 8, 2006 Congratulations to ECE Coordinator of Undergraduate Programs, Cecilia Townsend, for her winning both the Barbara Solomon and Blessis Undergraduate advi โ€ฆ

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ECE Undergraduate Advisor Townsend Awarded

May 8, 2006

Congratulations to ECE Coordinator of Undergraduate Programs, Cecilia Townsend, for her winning both the Barbara Solomon and Blessis Undergraduate advising awards for 2006.

Barbara Soloman Award:
The Barbara Soloman award is given in recognition of dedicated service to students in a primary advisory role. The winner of this award will be a professional adviser who contributes to student success by going the extra mile to provide intrusive, holistic and developmentally sensitive guidance. Advising load, personal philosophy of advising, commitment to advocacy for students, and evidence of student success and learning will be considered for this award.

Blessis Award:
The George H. Blessis Outstanding Undergraduate Advisor Award recognizes faculty members who consistently and willingly give their time and efforts to advising, counseling, and mentoring students and assisting student groups. The students they have reached have, to a large extent, helped establish the reputation of NC State as a major university and a center of excellence in teaching and research. This award is also a continuing memorial to George H. Blessis, whose interest in undergraduate education and advising serves as an example to many faculty members. Candidates are nominated by departments and selected by the COE Teaching and Advising Awards Committee. The award is made in the amount of $1000.

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