Sun Microsystems University Sun Day
[ubermenu config_id=”main” menu=”84″] NEWSROOM Sun Microsystems University Sun DayMar 27, 2006 Friday, April 21st1145am – 330pm Engineering Building 2, Room 1231Centennial Campus The experts and engineers of Sun Microsystems are coming to your campus!A …
March 27, 2006 NC State ECE
Sun Microsystems University Sun Day

Friday, April 21st
1145am – 330pm
Centennial Campus
The experts and engineers of Sun Microsystems are coming to your campus!
As part of the Academic Developer Initiative, Sun is visiting universities around the globe to give students and faculty a chance to hear about Sun’s powerful, free, open-source software, straight from the creators and experts.
The day will include a free pizza lunch provided in the Engineering Building 1 Atrium, three presentations, and plenty of prizes!
Register online by sending an email to with "USD Registration" as the subject line.
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