EB2 Collaboratory Opens
[ubermenu config_id=”main” menu=”84″] NEWSROOM EB2 Collaboratory OpensDec 7, 2007 Modeled after the Office of Information Technology’s Flyspace project and the Learning Commons Group Study Areas in D.H. Hill Library, Engineering Collaboratories are spe …
December 7, 2007 NC State ECE
EB2 Collaboratory Opens

Modeled after the Office of Information Technology’s Flyspace project and the Learning Commons Group Study Areas in D.H. Hill Library, Engineering Collaboratories are specially configured rooms or areas of EOS labs where students and faculty can meet to work on projects together. Designed with technology to support collaborative work and interaction, these learning spaces typically have one or two EOS workstations connected to a 42-inch plasma monitor, with network connections for individual laptops.
The Collaboratory in 1003C EB2 is installed with the following equipment:
- Two Eos workstations with monitors – Linux and Windows
- 42-inch Plasma TV monitor
- Wall-mounted, touch-control Menu Panel
- Whiteboard
- Table and chairs
- Laptop connections
- Wireless mouse and keyboard
For more on Engineering Collaboratories, visit the web site at http://www.eos.ncsu.edu/collabs/. The room will be open for walk-in usage starting in Spring (reservations will take priority), but for now the EOS Operator in 1203A EB2 will open the door for anyone who makes a reservation this semester.
Reservations may be made here: http://www.eos.ncsu.edu/collabs/reserve/
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