ECE End of Year Awards Picnic
[ubermenu config_id=”main” menu=”84″] NEWSROOM ECE End of Year Awards PicnicMay 9, 2007 ECE faculty, students and staff celebrated the end of the year with a picnic and awards ceremony on the oval of EBII, Friday afternoon, April 4, 2007. Tekelec …
May 9, 2007Â Â Â Â NC State ECE
ECE End of Year Awards Picnic

ECE faculty, students and staff celebrated the end of the year with a picnic and awards ceremony on the oval of EBII, Friday afternoon, April 4, 2007. Tekelec sponsored this great picnic.
Fun was had by all at this picnic where over 400 students, faculty and staff enjoyed barbeque, fried chicken, hummus, salad and all the fixings. Dean Louis Martin-Vega addressed the large crowd encouraging these types of departmental social activities.
Dr. Joel Trussell, Director of Graduate Programs, volunteered to be auctioned off in the Dunking booth which was a big hit with students. Dr. Greg Byrd and Dr. Rhett Davis were also great sports and participated in the dunking booth festivities, all getting very wet by the end of the night.
The following awards were presented at this year’s picnic:
Outstanding Undergraduate Teacher of the Year, voted on by the ECE undergraduate students, went to Dr. Griff Bilbro
Outstanding Graduate Teacher of the Year, voted on by the ECE graduate students, went to Dr. Paul Franzon
Most Helpful Out of Class Award, voted on by all ECE students, went to Dr. Paul Franzon
Most Valuable Person (MVP) in ECE went to Tara Britt, Director of Administration & External Relations
Outstanding Student Service Awards were presented to graduate student Matt Craver and undergraduate student Saket Vora
Outstanding Student Leader Awards went to:
- Glen Garner: President of HKN
- Michael Alligood: President of IEEE
- Andrew Pita: President of SHPE
- Kyle Luthy: President of GSA
Outstanding TA of the Year Award, voted on by all ECE students, went to Vinayak Sudhakar Devasthali
Fun awards went to the following:
All Nighter: Yannis Viniotis
Open Door Award: Michael Escuti
The Joker: Paul Franzon
Athletic Supporter of the Year: Veena Misra
Most Athletic: Gianluca Lazzi
Best Dressed Award: Michael Steer
Father Goose: Mo-Yuen Chow
Musician of the Year: Mehmet Ozturk
Best Hair Award: Rhett Davis
Zoom Zoom Zoom Award for Hot Cars: Tom Conte
Helping Hand Award: David Lassiter
Prowliing Practioner: Rudy Salas
Mr. Rogers Award: Griff Bilbro
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