ECE student receives multiple IEEE Globecom awards
[ubermenu config_id=”main” menu=”84″] NEWSROOM ECE student receives multiple IEEE Globecom awardsDec 17, 2007 Ioannis Papapanagiotou, a Ph.D. student working with Michael Devetsikiotis, received the Best Paper Award, the IEEE Travel Grant Award, and al …
December 17, 2007 NC State ECE
ECE student receives multiple IEEE Globecom awards

Ioannis Papapanagiotou, a Ph.D. student working with Michael Devetsikiotis, received the Best Paper Award, the IEEE Travel Grant Award, and also won the Trivia Contest for the 50th anniversary of the IEEE Communication Society, all at IEEE’s flagship telecom conference, IEEE Globecom 2007.
A joint research work of Michael Devetsikiotis and Ioannis Papapanagiotou of the ECE Department, together with VTT National Research Institute of Finland and the University of Patras, Greece, won the Performance Modeling QoS and Reliability Symposium Best Paper Award for their paper entitled “Extensions and Comparison of QoS Enabled WiFi Models in the Presence of Errors”. In a separate competition, Ioannis also received the IEEE Travel Grant, an award won only by the 20% of the students applying for it. And on the last day of the conference, he received news that he had also won thed 50th anniversary Trivia Contest.
The IEEE Communications Society has marked the 50th Anniversary of its annual IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM 2007) in Washington, DC, from 26 to 30 November. The flagship conference has spanned the entire range of communications technologies, offering in-depth information on the latest developments in voice, data, image, and multimedia.
President George Bush extended his personal congratulations to IEEE GLOBECOM 2007 on its upcoming 50th anniversary celebration, citing the conference for its international achievement in the “development and advancement of global communications” as well as “promoting achievement and innovation in technology and engineering.” President Bush declared the week of 26 November 2007 the IEEE Global Communications Week.
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