IEEE 3rd Annual Black Box Competition

[ubermenu config_id=โ€mainโ€ menu=โ€84โ€ณ] NEWSROOM IEEE 3rd Annual Black Box CompetitionApr 24, 2007 IEEE 3rd Annual Black Box CompetitionThe IEEE student branch will hold its 3rd annual black box competition at the ECE end of year picnic on Friday, April โ€ฆ

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IEEE 3rd Annual Black Box Competition

Apr 24, 2007

IEEE 3rd Annual Black Box Competition

The IEEE student branch will hold its 3rd annual black box competition at the ECE end of year picnic on Friday, April 27, 2007. Teams of up to two students compete head-to-head to try and figure out a mystery circuit, armed with only a multimeter, calculator, and their ECE knowledge.

Students who wish to compete should sign up by Friday, April 27, 2007. The sign up sheet is located on the door to the IEEE/HKN/ECEGSA office (room 1004 EB2). The first round of competition will start at 4:45PM in the breezeway of EB2. Below are the official rules, which are also posted on the door to 1004 EB2 as well.

The first place team will receive $50.00 in gift cards to Best Buy. The second place team will receive $30.00 in gift cards to Best Buy.

Objective: Determine the circuit diagram and values of components in the black box.

Equipment Provided

  • Black Box
  • Multimeter
  • Paper and Pencil
  • Shorting Bar

Equipment You Can Bring

  • Calculator
  • Watch

Description of Black Box

  • The circuit will consist of passive components between nodes in the box
  • Components will only be connected between nearest neighboring nodes per the diagram
  • Components will consist of standard valued resistors and one capacitor.
  • Resistors may have values from 0 รขโ€žยฆ to infinite รขโ€žยฆ
  • Capacitor may have value from 1 ฮผF to 1000 ฮผF.
  • When the switch is in the ON position, the circuit will be DC powered by a source of less than 10VDC


  • Teams will consist of 2 members or less.
  • Each team will have up to a half hour (30 minutes) to complete the task
  • Each team can have one calculator
  • When a team believes they have determined the diagram and values in the box, they will submit a drawing to the judges and the submission time will be marked on the drawing. That group will not be allowed to work further on the box.


  • The team that completes the objective in the shortest time is the winner
  • Should no team complete the objective, the winner will be determined as follows:
    • The team that determines the structure of the circuit (type of component between each node but values incorrect) in the shortest time will win.
    • If no team determines the correct structure, the team with the most correct component values in the shortest time will win.

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