Sun Microsystems University World Tour

[ubermenu config_id=โ€mainโ€ menu=โ€84โ€ณ] NEWSROOM Sun Microsystems University World TourJan 23, 2007 Attention Students, Faculty, & Developers: Come learn what\โ€™s cool in the latest Java and Solaris technologies from the experts at Sun Microsystems! J โ€ฆ

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Sun Microsystems University World Tour

Jan 23, 2007

Attention Students, Faculty, & Developers: Come learn what\โ€™s cool in the latest Java and Solaris technologies from the experts at Sun Microsystems!

Join us for this free and exciting event featuring topics like "The Information Age: The Next 10 Years", "Unleash the Power of Java!", and "Connect Everything: Employment Opportunities at Sun and More".

During the event, Sun will provide free software, free T-shirts, free pizza, and a drawing for a $100 Best Buy giftcard.

RSVP today and get more information about the event at .

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