Dr. Kim Receives Research Award from University of Texas-Austin

Dr. Ki Wook Kim, professor of electrical and computer engineering at NC State University, has been awarded $475,000 by the University of Texas – Austin for research on Charge/Spin Transport and Thermal Management in 2D Crystal Nanostructure Devices.

Dr. Ki Wook Kim, professor of electrical and computer engineering at NC State University, has been awarded $475,000 by the University of Texas – Austin for research on Charge/Spin Transport and Thermal Management in 2D Crystal Nanostructure Devices.

The award will run from April 1st, 2013 to December 31st, 2017.

Research Abstract:

As a member of SWAN (South West Academy of Nanoelectronics) 2.0 led by the Univ. of Texas at Austin, we propose to pursue two tasks in the development of next-generation low-power devices based on emerging 2D material systems including the topological insulators. In the first task, we will theoretically analyze carrier-phonon interaction dynamics and transport of excess heat/phonons in 2D materials and devices. In particular, a first-principles formalism based on density functional theory will be used to establish the intrinsic electron-phonon scattering rates in such candidate materials as transition metal dichalcogenides, silicene, germanene, and bismuth selenide, elucidating the extent of energy exchange in the surface states. At the same time, heat transfer across the layered 2D crystal heterostructures will be examined by using an atomistic thermal/phonon transport model.  The second task will entail design and modeling of low-power high-functional logic devices that utilize the spin-momentum interlocked nature of carrier transport in the TI surface states.  Particularly, the magnetoelectric effects caused by the neighboring magnetic layers will be the focus of investigation as the key device-enable feature in the topological insulator/magnet structures. Specific device concepts under consideration include magnetoelectric FETs and quasi-optic switches.

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