Yokus Wins First Place at ECE GSA Research Symposium

On Friday, January 26th, 2018, the ECE Graduate Student Association at NC State held their Annual ECE Research Symposium. During the well-attended event, ECE students presented their research in the Atrium of Engineering Building II while receiving valuable feedback from their peers and a panel of judges.

On Friday, January 26th, 2018, the ECE Graduate Student Association at NC State held their Annual ECE Research Symposium. During the well-attended event, ECE students presented their research in the Atrium of Engineering Building II while receiving valuable feedback from their peers and a panel of judges. The judges comprised of members of the ECE faculty and corporate partners โ€“ Sealed Air, Sensus, and Lumeova โ€“ evaluated the quality of the posters and their presentations to select the winners.

Winning first place with his poster entitled Epidermal Biosensor Platform with Variable Recognition Elements was Murat Yokus, a doctoral student in the BioInterface Lab. His poster presented initial effort towards the development of an epidermal biosensor platform for interstitial fluid extraction and multiplex measurement of physiologically relevant biomarkers. This platform enables a wide range of applications including diabetes management, cardiovascular monitoring, and athletic performance monitoring.

Competitors and Organizers of the Symposium

In second place was Michael Wilkins, also a doctoral student at the BioInterface lab with a poster entitled Multiplexed Cardiac Biomarker Assays. Following in third place was Landon Mackey from the FREEDM Systems Center with a poster on Direct Current Circuit Breakers: Protecting Microgrids and Distributed Renewable Energy Resources.

The winners were awarded gifts and nominated to represent the ECE Department at the main Graduate Symposium later this year.

The ECE-GSAโ€™s goal is to actively represent the ECE graduate students to the department and to serve as an active link between the graduate students, faculty, staff, and alumni. This gives ECE graduate students an active voice in the department and acts as an open forum to discuss concerns they may have with the department. In addition, through social, professional, and academic events, the ECE-GSA fosters unity among the ECE graduate students, promotes the academic and professional development of the graduate students, and enhances the quality of ECE graduate student life. The ECE-GSA also sponsors intramural teams, competitions, and seminars, as well as providing the ECE graduate students with opportunities to volunteer in and serve their community.

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