Lloyd Massengill
Inducted in 2019Dr. Lloyd W. Massengill is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN.
During his 30+ year career, Prof. Massengill has led the development of computer models that simulate the failure modes of integrated circuits in hostile environments (DoD and commercial), allowing designers to identify and correct potential risks prior to deployment; he discovered several fundamental failure mechanisms in modern integrated systems due to space or terrestrial radiation exposure; he directed the integration of failure models into industry-standard EDA design tools; he created fault-tolerant circuit designs; and he trained many young engineers in the fault-tolerant design of integrated circuits. He has over 300 publications in the area.
In the 1990’s, Dr. Massengill helped establish and lead the Radiation Effects Research Group at Vanderbilt, now the world’s largest academic group specializing in the effects of radiation on ICs. In 2003, he co-founded the Vanderbilt Institute for Space and Defense Electronics, an academic center providing research-driven engineering support for mission-critical microelectronic circuits. This center has provided a radiation-vulnerability assessment for every major technology node to 7nm and radiation-response research to the DoD in support of several major acquisition programs. In 2016, he founded Reliable MicroSystems LLC, a design services company specializing in concept-to-foundry creation of high-reliability electronics for fault-tolerant applications. He established Reliable MicroSystems to meet customer-driven needs for the application of advances in fundamental research to applied hi-rel system design, both commercial and DoD.
Dr. Massengill has been Guest Editor for the IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science, General Chairman for the IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference, and Chairman of the HEART Society Steering Group. He is a Fellow of the IEEE.