ARO IPA: Program Manager, Processing and Fusion (Electronics Engineer)

The PI has considerable expertise in the area of health, having obtained research and educational experiences at NCSU and NC State.

An interest in a position at ARO as an IPA contract employee is expressed to utilize the Contractor’s knowledge and familiarity with DOD challenges in order to lead research agenda priorities and meet present and future sensing, information and machine learning demands. The Contractor has extensive experience in health research and education from NC State, allowing them to provide a vision for the position.


Principle Investigators

Hamid Krim

More Details

An interest in a position at ARO in the capacity of an IPA contract employee is expressed. The interest is particularly focussed in exploiting the PI's knowledge and familiarity with DOD challenges to provide the vision, leadership and help shape the research agenda priorities to ensure that the current as well future sensing and information and machine learning challenges be met.