Edward D. Graham, Jr.
Inducted in 2015Edward Demah Graham, Jr. was born in Clarksdale, MS, and earned his doctorate in electrical engineering from North Carolina State University in 1970 under Professor John R. Hauser. He also received a BS in EE from Mississippi State University and an MS in EE from University of New Mexico (UNM). After studies at NC State, Graham returned to Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque where he worked for 32 years retiring as Director of Operations and Engineering.
During his tenure at Sandia, Graham made contributions in semiconductor devices and circuits, IC testing, radiation effects, and semiconductor reliability as well as management and leadership in several other technical arena. While at Sandia, he published two books, several papers and became a registered professional engineer (PE). He was also a twenty-year member of the GOMAC Committee, twice as Chair. Dr. Graham left Sandia to become President and CEO of SEMI-SEMATECH in Austin, TX which he ultimately merged with SEMI in San Jose, CA. Graham continues to consult, through SEMI, to the global silicon industry, leading SEMI’s Silicon Manufacturers’ Group. In the early 2000’s, Ed returned to the University of New Mexico to pursue a doctorate in Mathematics and Statistics; shortly thereafter he was invited to teach a wide range of courses in the ECE Department at UNM. In 2009 he was named Outstanding Teacher in ECE at UNM. Graham’s teaching continues through fall semester of 2015 where upon he will retire.