Teresa A. Dahlberg
Inducted in 2017Teresa Abi-Nader Dahlberg has been Professor of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science and Dean of the College of Engineering & Computer Science at Syracuse University since 2015. She was previously Dean of the Albert Nerken School of Engineering and the Chief Academic Officer of The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art. Dr. Dahlberg led creation of interdisciplinary programs that span art, design, technology, and science.
Prior to Cooper, Dr. Dahlberg was Associate Dean of the College of Computing and Informatics at the University of North Carolina (UNC) Charlotte. At Charlotte, she established the Wireless Networking Research Lab and the Diversity in Information Technology Institute. She co-founded the STARS Computing Corps, a National Science Foundation alliance for broadening participation. As STARS Director Dr. Dahlberg led creation of a service-learning program intended to strengthen the K-12 and undergraduate STEM pipeline and oversaw adoption of the program by 50 colleges and universities nationwide (2006-2013). She also used STARS to inspire Prospect for Success--a university-wide program to engage freshman around intentionality, curiosity, and awareness.
Teresa has been principle investigator or co-PI for over $20 million in research grants. She served on the Advisory Committee to the National Science Foundation Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE) Directorate from 2011 to 2014, and she co-chaired the CISE Education Workforce subcommittee during this time. Teresa has been a technology consultant and expert witness, with clients including the National Security Agency, Netflix, JP Morgan Chase, LG Electronics and Nokia. Teresa has an M.S. and Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from North Carolina State University (1990 and 1993 respectively). She spent ten years as a development engineer for IBM before joining academia.