William Joines
Inducted in 2019After high school and before college he served four years in the United States Air Force (1951 to 1955) as an airborne radar technician. From 1959 to 1966 he was a Member of the Technical Staff of Bell Telephone Laboratories, performing research and development of missile tracking and guidance radar. He joined the Electrical Engineering Department of Duke University as an Assistant Professor in 1966, was promoted to Associate Professor in 1968 and to Professor in 1979. His current research and teaching interests include electromagnetic field and wave interactions with materials and structures at microwave and optical frequencies. He is a Life Fellow of the IEEE, a recent recipient of the Outstanding Engineering Educator Award, and the Scientific and Technical Achievement Award presented by the Environmental Protection Agency. He has supervised more than 70 graduate students in their thesis and dissertation research leading to the MS and Ph.D. degrees. He has 21 patents, and he has published over 400 technical articles, books and book chapters.