Entangled quantum cellular automata, physical complexity, and Goldilocks rules

Lincoln D. Carr
Professor of Physics, Colorado School of Mines on April 1, 2022 at 10:15 AM in EB2 3002
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Lincoln has a broad range of theoretical interests covering many disciplines, using an even balance of analytical and numerical methods, and often work closely with experimentalists. Subjects he has worked on include entangled quantum dynamics, quantum phase transitions, and ultracold quantum gases; artificial lattice systems, from optical lattices to graphene to millimeter waves; solitons, vortices, chaos, fractals, and other nonlinear phenomena in nonlinear Schrodinger and nonlinear Dirac equations as realized in Bose-Einstein condensates, spin waves in ferromagnetic films, and optics; the quark-gluon plasma at CERN and RHIC; and a variety of topics in mathematical physics and the physics of complex systems. Lincon mentors an intense, active, diverse research group averaging 15 persons and including undergraduates, MS and Ph.D. graduate students, and post-docs.