From edibles to wearables: applications of bioinspired materials for sustainable living
Leila Deravi
Northeastern University on September 30, 2022 at 10:15 AM in EB2 1025
Leila Deravi, is an Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Northeastern University and co-Founder of a new startup, Seaspire Skincare. At Northeastern, Leila leads the Biomaterials Design Group—a multidisciplinary team that harnesses natural systems in biology to build safer and sustainable materials for everyday use cases. One prominent example of this approach is in her team’s work with the squid pigment, xanthommatin. Her team is first in the world to isolate, purify, then apply this pigment in a new line of adaptive materials. At Seaspire, Leila works with the team to integrate, iterate, and expand the product pipeline of xanthommatin-based materials for skincare applications.
Leila is an Alabama native. Before she started her independent faculty career, Leila received her BS in Chemistry at the University of Alabama, and her Ph.D. in Chemistry at Vanderbilt University. She subsequently completed her postdoc in Bioengineering at Harvard University.
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