Golay, Heisenberg and Weyl
Sixty years ago, efforts by Marcel Golay to improve the sensitivity of far infrared spectrometry led to the discovery of pairs of complementary sequences. We will describe how these sequences are finding new application in active sensing, where the challenge is how to see faster, to see more finely where necessary, and to see with greater sensitivity, by being more discriminating about how we look.
Robert Calderbank
Professor, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics, Princeton University on October 24, 2008 at 12:00 AM in Engineering Building II, Room 1230
Robert Calderbank is Professor of Electrical Engineering and Mathematics at Princeton University where he directs the Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics. He joined Princeton from AT&T where he was Vice President for Research and responsible for designing the first Research Lab in the world where the primary focus is data at massive scale. Inventions by Dr. Calderbank in his career at Bell Labs and AT&T have wireline modems, advanced read channels for magnetic recording, and wireless systems and have also opened the door to fault tolerant quantum computation.
Prof. Calderbank is an IEEE Fellow and was honored by the IEEE Information Theory Prize Paper Award in 1995 and again in 1999 He was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2005.
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