Project COSMOS Overview
The COSMOS project ( is aimed at design, development, and deployment of a city-scale advanced wireless testbed in order to support real-world experimentation on next-generation wireless technologies and applications. The COSMOS architecture has a particular focus on ultra-high bandwidth and low latency wireless communication tightly coupled with edge cloud computing. The COSMOS testbed will be deployed in upper Manhattan and will consist of 40-50 advanced software-defined radio nodes along with fiber-optic front-haul and back-haul networks and edge and core cloud computing infrastructure. Researchers will be able to run experiments remotely on the COSMOS testbed by logging into a web-based portal which will provide various facilities for experiment execution, measurements, and data collection.
Zoran Kostic
Professor, Columbia University on June 3, 2019 at 2:00 PM in EB2 1226
Zoran Kostic is an Associate Prof. of Professional Practice in the Electrical Engineering Dept. at Columbia University. He completed his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at the University of Rochester and his Dipl. Ing. degree at the University of Novi Sad. He spent most of his career in industry where he worked in research, product development and in leadership positions. Zoran's expertise spans mobile data systems, wireless communications, signal processing, multimedia, system-on-chip development and applications of parallel computing. His present research addresses Internet of Things systems and physical data analytics, smart cities, and applications of deep learning in autonomous vehicle navigation, medicine and health. His work comprises a mix of research, system architecture and software/hardware development, which resulted in a notable publication record, three dozen patents, and critical contributions to successful products. He has experience in Intellectual Property consulting. Dr. Kostic is an active member of the IEEE, and he has served as an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Communications and IEEE Communications Letters.
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