Sensors and Electronics for Particle Physics: Past, Present, and Future

Particle Physics, also referred to as High Energy Physics, is concerned with studying the basic constituents of matter and the fundamental forces which govern their interactions. From its birth, at the beginning of the 20th century, to the present, and into the future, this field relies upon increasingly complex technologies to detect and measure the properties of elementary particles. In this talk we will start with a historical perspective on the instrumentation which provided the required early insights. We will then consider the present generation of detectors used in recent discoveries, including of the Higgs Boson. Finally, we will discuss the future challenges of developing sensors and electronics required to address many important open questions.

Dr. Carl Haber

Senior Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory at the University of California on September 27, 2024 at 10:15 AM in EB2 1231
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Carl Haber is an experimental physicist. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from Columbia University and is a Senior Scientist in the Physics Division of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory at the University of California. His career has focused on the development of instrumentation and methods for detecting and measuring particles created at high energy colliders, including Fermilab in the United States and at the CERN Large Hadron Collider, near Geneva, Switzerland. He has led a variety of projects to develop and deploy precision tracking detectors based upon semiconductors and microelectronic technology. For over 20 years he, and his colleagues, have also been involved in aspects of preservation science, applying methods of precision optical metrology and data analysis to early recorded sound restoration. He is a 2013 MacArthur Fellow and a Fellow of the American Physical Society, and the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation.

Electrical and Computer Engineering Colloquia

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