Ultrafast Photonic Techniques and Applications – Communication and Signal Processing at the Speed of Light
The rapid development of ultra-highspeed information-based technologies over the past 2 decades has resulted in the explosion of how information is created and shared throughout the world. Since its initial development, the speed of fiber optics has increased by over a million. This talk will review how we communicate using fiberoptics and discuss the key technologies that make it work. Given the tremendous capabilities and impact that these technologies have had on the world, we ask, ‘do we have enough?’ I will highlight the key challenges we face and give a perspective of what the future may hold.

Peter J. Delfeyett
Pegasus Professor and Trustee Chair Professor, University of Central Florida on September 20, 2024 at 10:15 AM in EB2 1231
Peter Delfyett is a University Distinguished Professor of Optics, ECE & Physics at UCF. He is a Fellow of the APS, AAAS, IEEE, NAI, Optica, and SPIE. He is also the recipient of the NSF PECASE Award, the APS Edward Bouchet Award, the IEEE Photonics Society’s William Streifer Scientific Achievement Award, and the APS Arthur Schawlow Prize in Laser Science. Most recently, he was elected to the National Academy of Engineering. He has over 850 scientific publications, conference proceedings and invited presentations, and 45 US patents. He is also an active latin dance enthusiast and drummer.

This lecture series features exciting and dynamic visiting and virtual speakers from across the range of ECE disciplines. Take some time every Friday morning to be inspired by these great scientists and engineers before heading into the weekend!