Lazzi Wins IEEE Award for Paper on Retinal Prosthesis
[ubermenu config_id=”main” menu=”84″] NEWSROOM Lazzi Wins IEEE Award for Paper on Retinal ProsthesisJul 31, 2006 Dr. Gianluca Lazzi, professor of electrical and computer engineering, has received the H.A. Wheeler Applications Prize Paper Award from the …
July 31, 2006 NC State ECE
Lazzi Wins IEEE Award for Paper on Retinal Prosthesis

Dr. Gianluca Lazzi, professor of electrical and computer engineering, has received the H.A. Wheeler Applications Prize Paper Award from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Antennas and Propagation Society (APS) for the paper, "Impedance Matching and Implementation of Planar Space-Filling Dipoles as Intraocular Implanted Antennas in a Retinal Prosthesis." Lazzi coauthored the paper with Dr. K. Gosalia and Dr. M.
Humayun of the Johns Hopkins University.
Read more about Dr. Lazzi's IEEE Award
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