HKN Receives Outstanding Chapter Award
NC State’s IEEE-HKN Chapter has been awarded an Outstanding Chapter Award for 2017-2018, continuing their long record of excellence.
May 20, 2019 malmont
The NC State IEEE-HKN Chapter has been awarded an Outstanding Chapter Award for 2017-2018.
The IEEE-HKN Board of Governors has conferred upon the Beta Eta Chapter of North Carolina State University the 2017-2018 IEEE-HKN Outstanding Chapter Award. This award is presented to IEEE-HKN chapters in recognition of excellence in their chapter administration and programs.
“It really shows how much our organization is dedicated to providing for not only our students, our department, but also for our community, and it was really nice we were able to give back and make peoples’ lives better,” described David Pryor (MS CPE, 2018), the HKN chapter president for 2017-18. “I see a lot more Outstanding Chapter Awards in our future—hopefully, we can grow, get bigger, do bigger projects, and really just make our name known in the community.”
Chapters are selected on the basis of their activities, community service, and outreach, and the impact they have had on the Department, the University and the community. Annual chapter reports not only showcase the Chapter’s activities in an individualized manner, but they also provided multiple views and instances of their work, which really bring the Chapters’ activities to life. The Outstanding Chapter Awards evaluation committee activities are to improve professional development, encourage scholarship and creativity, provide a public service, and generally further the established goals of IEEE-HKN.
NC State’s chapter is one of twenty-seven chapters selected for outstanding performance and the value it brings to its members, peers, and university.
Corey White, the current HKN President says, “The outstanding chapter award is a recognition of all of the activities and outreach that our chapter of HKN achieved during the 2017-2018 school year. Some of the activities we do are the ECE End of Year picnic and helping Boy Scouts earn merit badges for designing and using a robotic arm. Receiving this award is a great acknowledgment of all of the work our chapter does and will continue to do in the future!”