Lubkeman holds a Ph.D. in electrical engineering from Purdue University with an emphasis in power systems engineering. He has a MS and BS degrees in electrical engineering, also from Purdue.
Lubkeman has more than 25 years of experience in distribution systems and automation and has been an active participant in technical development activities, resulting in more than 40 publications and 13 US patents. Hi sprevious industry experience includes working at Sensus as a senior product manager for distribution automation; at KEMA consulting in the areas of smart grid business case analysus, large-scale energy storage and renewable energy integration; and at ABB, where he was involved in the development of solutions for distribution automation and asset management. Lubkeman's prior academic experience was as an associate professor in the Holcombe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Clemson University. He is also a licensed professional engineer.
Lubkeman is currently a lead instructor with the Elecitrcal Power Systems Engineering (EPSE) Master of Science professional degree program. He also is a research faculty member associated with the NSF FREEDM Systems Center.
Electrical Engineering
Purdue University, West Lafayette
Recent Publications
- Under-Frequency Load Shedding for Power Reserve Management in Islanded Microgrids (2024)
- A Secure and Adaptive Hierarchical Multi-Timescale Framework for Resilient Load Restoration Using a Community Microgrid (2023)
- A Data-driven Pivot-point-based Time-series Feeder Load Disaggregation Method (2021)
- A Load Switching Group based Feeder-level Microgrid Energy Management Algorithm for Service Restoration in Power Distribution System (2021)
- Agent-Based Modeling of Feeder-Level Electric Vehicle Diffusion for Distribution Planning (2021)
- FeederGAN: Synthetic Feeder Generation via Deep Graph Adversarial Nets (2021)
- Hierarchical Multi-timescale Framework For Operation of Dynamic Community Microgrid (2021)
- Secondary Voltage and Frequency Regulation for Grid Re-Synchronization in Microgrid with Unified Virtual Oscillator Controlled Multi-port Converters (2021)
- Diesel Generator Model Parameterization for Microgrid Simulation Using Hybrid Box-Constrained Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm (2020)
- FeederGAN: Synthetic Feeder Generation via Deep Graph Adversarial Nets (2020)
Recent News

FREEDM researchers receive funding for work on grid resilience tools
Posted on May 23, 2019 | Filed Under: Power and Research
Researchers in the FREEDM Systems Center received a $3.1 million research award from the U.S. Department of Energy to advance solar energy’s role in strengthening the resilience of the U.S. electricity grid.

Lubkeman and Rotenberg Elevated to IEEE Fellow
Posted on February 3, 2015 | Filed Under: News
Dr. Lubkeman receives this honor for contributions to power system distribution systems and Dr. Rotenberg for his contributions to the microarchitecture of high-performance and reliable microprocessors.

Huang and Lubkeman Receive Award for Research by GridBridge
Posted on January 3, 2013 | Filed Under: News
[ubermenu config_id=”main” menu=”84″] NEWSROOM Huang and Lubkeman Receive Award for Research by GridBridgeJan 3, 2013 Alex Huang, Progress Energy Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of NSF FREEDM Syst …