
Tianfu Wu is an associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at NC State University. He is currently the PI of the laboratory of interpretable Visual Modeling, Computing and Learning (iVMCL).  He received his Ph.D. in statistics from UCLA under the supervision by Prof. Song-Chun Zhu. His research focuses on interpretable Visual Modeling, Computing and Learning, often motivated by the tasks of pursuing a unified framework for AI to ALTER (Ask, Learn, Test, Explain and Refine) in a trustworthy, robust and responsive way for AIGCGT (AI Generated Content and Ground-Truth).


  • Ph.D. 2011
    University of California, Los Angeles

Research Focus

Recent News

New Technique Improves AI Ability to Map 3D Space With 2D Cameras

Posted on June 13, 2024 | Filed Under: AI/ML and Research

Because the technique works effectively with limited computational resources, it holds promise for improving the navigation of autonomous vehicles.

Steve Johnson
AI Networks Are More Vulnerable to Malicious Attacks Than Previously Thought

Posted on December 4, 2023 | Filed Under: Research

A study finds AI tools are more vulnerable than previously thought to targeted attacks that effectively force AI systems to make bad decisions.

New Method Helps AI Navigate 3D Space Using 2D Images

Posted on September 28, 2023 | Filed Under: AI/ML and Research

Photos are two-dimensional (2D), but autonomous vehicles and other technologies have to navigate the three-dimensional (3D) world. Researchers have developed a new method to help artificial intelligence (AI) extract 3D information from 2D i …


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