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See What We’ve Been Doing
Researchers Devise New Tool to Measure Polarization of Light
Researchers from North Carolina State University’s Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering have developed a new tool for detecting and measuring the polarization of light based on a single spatial sampling of the light.
New Technique Improves Accuracy of Computer Vision Technologies
Researchers from North Carolina State University’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering have developed a new technique that improves the ability of computer vision technologies to better identify and separate objects in an image, a process called segmentation.
How students are tackling unstructured data indexing with POWER8
North Carolina State University is one of the participants in the Innov8 with POWER8 Challenge. Utilizing technology from IBM and OpenPOWER Foundation members including NVIDIA, Mellanox and Altera, I'm overseeing a team that is working on a custom Field Programmable...