Undergraduate Advising
Advising Process
Undergraduate advising for Electrical and Computer Engineering students at NC State is invaluable, offering personalized guidance that enhances academic success and career readiness. Advisors help students navigate course selections, manage workload, and consider research, co-op and internship opportunities.
As an NC State student, you must be advised before you can register for classes. Each semester, you will receive an email from our advising team with the information and links you need to connect with your assigned advisor or sign up for an advising appointment.
These advising sessions are a great opportunity to talk with someone not only about which classes you are planning to take that semester but also:
- Your progress toward your degree
- Your academic goals
- Your career goals
If you are a First Year Engineering student without a declared major intent, you will meet with a College of Engineering Academic advisor instead of an ECE advisor.
Undergraduate Advising Team
Advisor for all students that have entered the department pursuing an Electrical Engineering degree, or the dual Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering degrees.
Advisor for all students that have entered the department pursuing a Computer Engineering degree.
Advisor for all Engineering First Year students with an Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering intent, or for students interested in changing their major to ECE.