Daniel Stancil

Alcoa Distinguished Professor Emeritus

Executive Director, IBM Quantum Hub



Daniel D. Stancil is the Alcoa Distinguished Professor and Executive Director of the IBM Quantum Hub at NC State. His early interest in radios and electronics launched an engineering career that has been--and continues to be--fun and rewarding. Along the way he picked up engineering degrees from Tennessee Tech (B.S.E.E.) and MIT (M.S., E.E. and Ph.D.). He has spent many years as a professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at both Carnegie Mellon University and NC State. While at CMU he served as Associate Head of the ECE Department, and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the College of Engineering. He was Head of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at North Carolina State University from 2009-2023.

His research has included such varied topics as magnetic films, optics, microwaves, wireless channels, antennas, remote labs, and particle physics. Technology for distributing wireless signals through HVAC ducts that Dr. Stancil and his students developed has been installed in such major buildings as Chicago's Trump Towers and McCormick Place Convention Center. The demonstration of neutrino communications by a multidisciplinary team coordinated by Dr. Stancil was recognized by Physics World Magazine as one of the top 10 Physics Breakthroughs of 2012. Additional recognitions that his work has received have included an IR 100 Award and a Photonics Circle of Excellence Award. Dr. Stancil is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and a past-president of the IEEE Magnetics Society.

When not thinking about engineering, he divides his time between hiking with his wife, playing the euphonium, and amateur radio.


  • Bachelor's 1976
    Electrical Engineering
    Tennessee Technological University
  • Master's 1978
    Electrical Engineering
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Ph.D. 1981
    Electrical Engineering
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology


  • ECE Department Heads Association (ECEDHA)
    Past President
  • IEEE
  • IEEE Magnetics Society
    Past President
  • IBM Quantum Hub at NC State
    Executive Director

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