
Upcoming Seminars

February 14, 2025

Radar as an Enabling Technology in Cyber-Physical Human Systems

Dr. Sevgi Gurbuz
Associate Professor
North Carolina State University

April 4, 2025



The ECE Distinguished Speaker Series is our flagship seminar series, featuring presentations from distinguished speakers drawn from both academia and industry who will address a wide variety of topics of interest to our community. Everyone is invited to attend, from undergraduates on up to faculty and industry friends — the level of the presentations will be for non-specialists and accessible to students.

During the academic semester, a weekly Electrical and Computer Engineering Colloquia presents a wide range of speakers from different backgrounds and experiences, sharing their research activities and collaborations.

In addition, the NSF FREEDM Systems Center hosts technical webinars focused on power systems—upcoming ones are posted here.

Also during the academic year, the NC State Quantum Initiative hosts the Triangle Quantum Computing Seminar Series.

Upcoming Doctoral Defenses are listed here — please contact for more information.